
365 days with the beads

Wow, we have done our first year of The Bead Movement. It’s been 365 beads moved from one jar to another. I’ve been moving beads in the state of fear, anxiety, sadness, happiness, love, and in pure bliss and gratefulness. The beads have been with me in the States, Spain, France, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, Italy […]

Johanna’s Week Nine

How we be I had lunch with a few colleagues earlier this week and The Bead Movement came up in the discussion. It’s amazing how these beads has changed my interactions with others. Nowadays it becomes more and more normal for me to discuss existential life questions over a salad or in the rush of […]

Johanna’s Week Five

As I was trying to live the bravest me, I noticed that somewhere along the line I had stopped listening to my heart. Instead I had started to listen to the shatter of my mind. I had started to make logical and rational decisions, instead of listening to what my heart told me. How did […]

Johanna’s Week Three

Last week’s sense of nirvana called for action. There was this one thing that kept coming back to me. Over and over again. I couldn’t dodge the bullet. “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.” That is number one on Bronnie Ware’s […]