2017 April

Another door will open

It was a warm August morning in 2014 when me and Mhairi scribbled down words, quotes, and principles in our note books at Toast Bakery Cafe on the corner of 3rd street and S Harper ave in Los Angeles. This was the whole reason why we wanted to do the bead movement every morning. We wanted to […]

Why we started

Johanna and I have decided to go back to basics and to remember our original intentions with the bead movement. As per many things in life which are long-or life long projects-sometimes we just keep doing them without checking in and re-evaluating why it was we started in the first place. We started the movement […]

Happy Easter

Someone asked the question the other day “And what if it was easy?” on the same day a good friend of mine called me to ask a question about how much she should charge for a voice over job. When I told her what I thought she panicked thinking it was too much to ask. […]

He took our city, but we took it back.

I attended the manifestation in Stockholm on April 9. It was a manifestation of love, as a counteraction to the terrorist attack on April 7. I was scared to go in to the city. I knew I had to so I could face the fear. As soon as I stepped out of the subway I noticed […]


Last night I had dinner with a friend who told me about Steven Speilberg saying that your life purpose is often actually found through a whisper rather than a loud voice telling you where you should be going. That things are more gradual. I love that idea as where I am right now isn’ necessarily […]

Can we trust our feelings?

I had a conversation with a friend the other day about instincts, and trusting our gut when it comes to making decisions. She said those feelings can’t be fully trusted. She thought that sometimes she needs to go with her gut instincts, but at other times she can’t because they will lead her astray. If this […]