2016 December


It was my birthday this week, and I love to spend this time of year in stillness reflecting on the year passed, and to simmer in what I want for the next. I have come to think that how I spend my birthday is the way I live my life. I have became so much better […]


Someone last week told me that when they had decided to smile as much as they could throughout the day then things started to change for them in all areas of their lives. Amazing. I recently went to a seminar on meditation and chakras and we were asked to stare at our right palm and […]

Forgot the bead

At 8.30 pm on Wednesday evening I saw my jar of beads, and I remembered I had forgotten the bead practice in the morning. I opened the jar, took out the bead, dropped it in the other jar. The symbolism hit me. I had forgotten the bead, and I had forgotten to live with intention. […]


I started this year with a need to rediscover my faith, to rediscover my belief that everything was going to work out. I had struggled with wondering if I would attain the life I dreamed of and I am ending this year full of faith and hope and belief that it is possible and will […]

It’s not you, it’s me.

I found myself the other day confronted with an email that sent me right to a place of anger, resentment and hurt. I was shaking, my heart beat fast, my muscles cramped. I felt right off the bat used and stripped of what was rightfully mine to have. Ten minutes passed, twenty minutes passed, forty […]

What do you need the most right now?

My work calendar is full. I have a bunch of commitments. It’s busy. I’m finding myself catching my breath every day, having to remind myself to go slow. To breathe. To walk slow. To let go. The very limited time I have off work at the moment I want to spend with family. I try […]


Wonder: a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar or inexplicable.  For me the word wonder crops up almost only when talking of children she stared in childlike wonder and such but this week when I reflect on it, the word that comes to mind is wonder. I unexpectedly have […]