2015 September

Eliminate doubt

Do you know the feeling when you have a lot at stake, the road seems dim, and you know you have to take a leap of faith, but the fear of failure paralyzes you. So you go half in, you take a step forward but still hold on to that rail. This week I noticed […]


Well this week was my birthday week and my producing partner Holly knocked me for six. She waited up until after she thought I would have gone to bed on the night before my birthday and then set in motion a plan to involve my family and friends all around the world. She asked people […]

Oneness II

It’s absolutely amazing how The Bead Movement has changed my life. It’s a continuous transformation into becoming my best self. I initially thought it would be a fun thing to do, something that would hold me in check so I don’t forget to sincerely live every day of my life. It’s been that, but a […]

Don’t sweat the small stuff

I recently began shooting weekly Vlogs for my show Feathers and Toast and this past week my theme was Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff where I talked about having gone for a yoga class which I missed and so instead went for a hike, ended up inadvertently scaling a mountain and having my brother talk […]


I spent last Sunday night sleepless; my heart was aching, my soul hurting. The pictures of the 3-year old Syrian boy washed up on the beach in Turkey, broke my heart. The state of the world just overwhelmed me and peace was nowhere to be found. Giving money to humanitarian organisations was not enough anymore. […]

Animal Instinct

I woke at my usual time of around 7am on Wednesday morning and thought immediately about the street signs I had been vaguely aware of around where I live saying that you couldn’t park certain days from 6am-6pm for road maintenance. I couldn’t really remember which days and which streets but went outside dressed but […]

One week commitment

When we started The Bead Movement, we instantly dove right into making every day matter, but lately I have had a nagging feeling that I have somehow failed to ’live the best life I possibly can’ EVERY day. Either I get in a spin of anxious thoughts of ’why did I do or say that?’, […]


So this month our theme is interconnectedness. Its a wide wide idea to think about. For me this week I saw a parallel between reading about Lucille Balls life in a biography and what I was doing in mine. At one time Lucille was a struggling actress in LA, trying to even get herself credited […]