Johanna’s blog

Is there a different way?

At the moment I am reading When: the Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing by Daniel H Pink. It is an interesting read into the science behind energy, time and timing. As of now I am trying out two things from the book. The first one is tracking my days to see how my mental and […]

The hedgehog

“Don’t come near me today”, I say to my husband. I am angry, sad and all in between. For no reason and all reasons. It’s one of those days when I can’t stand to be in my own skin. After listening to a podcast about our beads, a friend of mine asked “Do you ever […]


My bead for the day was a red, round wooden bead. As I took it out of the jar I held it between my fingers and thought: blood. I thought about the blood that runs through my veins, how it needs to oxygenate in order to be vital and support my body. And I thought, […]

Reboot several times a day

My energy levels have been low for a while, and one day I hit a point of no return when I replied “Tired” for the thousand time to the question “How are you?”. I felt sick of myself. This is not who I am. I want to be alive and vibrant. I definitely don’t want […]

One step at a time

I am writing this to you from my house just outside Stockholm. A lot has happened since we last wrote a blogpost here, but we never stopped our bead practice and our weekly talks. This practice of picking up a bead a day, looking at the bead for what it represents – a day in […]

not either or, but AND.

I’ve been viewing my life and my world in a very black and white, either or, kind of a way.  I’ve been headstrong, and jumped into one thing fully to later decide something else. I’ve been an either or kind of a person. Lately I have felt sick to my stomach about it. Like I am […]


I have been thinking a lot about LISTENING this week, both listening to myself and to others. I was in Helsinki for work, script consulting on a tv series, and I also talked to the drama department at the national broadcaster there about my method as a script consultant. The talk at the broadcaster really made […]

Another door will open

It was a warm August morning in 2014 when me and Mhairi scribbled down words, quotes, and principles in our note books at Toast Bakery Cafe on the corner of 3rd street and S Harper ave in Los Angeles. This was the whole reason why we wanted to do the bead movement every morning. We wanted to […]

He took our city, but we took it back.

I attended the manifestation in Stockholm on April 9. It was a manifestation of love, as a counteraction to the terrorist attack on April 7. I was scared to go in to the city. I knew I had to so I could face the fear. As soon as I stepped out of the subway I noticed […]

Can we trust our feelings?

I had a conversation with a friend the other day about instincts, and trusting our gut when it comes to making decisions. She said those feelings can’t be fully trusted. She thought that sometimes she needs to go with her gut instincts, but at other times she can’t because they will lead her astray. If this […]