2014 December

Thanksgiving Gratitude

Spending the past few months thinking of an intention each morning with grateful being a word which crops up regularly has massively impacted the way I considered the Thanksgiving holiday this year. Growing up with an American mother in the Scottish highlands who marked the occasion every year with as much turkey panache as befits […]

Leap of Faith

Leap of Faith Here I’ve been struggling with fears of being ill and what not for four weeks, and last week I got the results from the doctor and completely forgot to say that I am healthy as a horse. There’s definitely a reason. First of all the results showed that I was 100% healthy […]

Mhairi’s week 16

When I was at school in Paris we worked on the Journey of the neutral mask for several weeks. This was an exercise working with a neutral mask with the objective of being able to move as economically as possible. The point was to create a blank canvas with your body. The journey entailed coming […]

Johanna’s Week 16

What we put out into the world Life is like a boomerang. What we send out is what we get back. Who we choose to be, how we handle things, what decisions we make, and how we interact with others. Depending on how we handled things, it will either come back and bite us or […]

Mhairi’s week 15

I think pre beads I was in a habit of relinquishing certain aspects of my life quite quickly and melding into someone else’s if I’m perfectly honest. Spending a lot of time on supposition, when trying to understand a certain situation instead of simplifying and just seeing what is actually on my plate and not […]

Johanna’s Week 15

Health scare part 3 (Got the results – 100% healthy) And so I waited, uneasy and nervous, for the results of last week’s biopsy. The question of being sick or not was on repeat in my head. When I finally got the results that I didn’t have cancer a chock wave of relief went through […]

Mhairi’s week 14

I decided this week to focus on an intention for the whole week. I chose the word LOVE and decided to just simply focus on that word and what it meant. Immediately I was challenged as an hour or so later I sat talking to someone who basically didn’t take a breath, cut me off […]

Johanna’s Week 14

Week 14 – Health scare part 2 (I got the results, 100% healthy) It was an early Monday morning when I went to the Oncology Department at the hospital for a biopsy. Having friends who suffer and recover from cancer have made this brutal illness present in my life, but as with everything else – […]