

Thank you Suffragettes!

I just got back from watching the movie Suffragette. It’s the last blog post on our January theme inspiration, and this movie brings more than justice to the word ‘inspire’ for sure. Actions planned and some already taken because of the movie: 1. I’m going to buy tickets to the movie to get my boyfriend […]

The do’s of April

I highly recommend to spend at least one day of your hopefully amazing and long life with an alarm ringing every 10 minutes reminding you to take note of the things you say, think, dream or want to do, but that you at the moment put off for later. No matter how big or small, […]

In power

I heard Suze Orman say, “You’ll never be powerful in life until you’re powerful over your own money.” This has nothing to do about being wealthy or about having power over others, it has to do about feeling powerful in your own life. And it kinda makes sense. As a freelance writer I don’t have […]

Johanna’s Week Ten

Interdependence Somehow, somewhere along the industrialization of our world we took on a rather self-absorbed and entitled behavior. We tend to live our lives contained in this way of believing that we have a right to whatever could, would, might or definitely should come to us. We victimize ourselves and blame others, our situation, our […]