This week has been intense and wonderful and 100 MPH. I read recently that creative people are full on and then they have to lie down quietly. That sums me up to a T. I always thought I was like that because when I was younger I was a sprinter and I thought that that was my natural rhythm. Maybe it is because of running but maybe I was interested in sprinting because I am artistic. Chicken or the egg. Doesn’t really matter which influenced which but the point is I am now in the middle of a weekend where I have had to listen to myself and stop doing things. When I totally stop-which happens a couple times a year-I have to go to bed and watch French films one after the other while wearing silk and eating chocolate. Its the only way forward. It resets me.
Clearing out space for something new was a quote I heard at some point today and thought yes, there is much change afoot in my life and in order for me to remain excited and on top I need to rest. Allow myself to stop and essentially clear out space for me in my own life. Sometimes I schedule so many things-and events often pop up last minute for me-which I love-but at the end of 7 days of life like that I need to stop and do nothing. Nothing except watch French films. So there we go, may this weekend be allowing you to clear out space in your own life to reset and refresh and may this next week bring many a wonderful spring in your almost springtime step.