Have you ever heard about what happens if you are only 1 degree off course? For every mile you travel you will be 92 feet away from your target. And the thing is, I am not up for being 5000 miles off when I look back at my life (thinking what if I did x, y, z?).
One of my new year’s actions was that I would see a coach this year. Time and time again I have heard and read about brilliant people, and what makes for their success – and the answer was very often their coaches. As a part of a program I took last year a met a great coach who not only has insight in career building and business, but also in the creatives’ field. So this week we had our first session for 2016. And what a difference!
It’s not like I was clueless when I met my coach this week – I had clear goals and action plans for 2016 – but in 2 hours she had gotten me to step up and cleanse the path I am on. Imagine a full-rigged ship, which doesn’t just have one or two sails but fifteen or so, and the importance to have them all working together for the exact direction. I’m like that ship. I have a bunch of projects, and legs to stand on in my business and it’s a matter of choosing the right ones to take me where I want to go. My coach made me clarify exactly what the focus is for this year, which made me drop a bunch of projects, and be more specific about what jobs will lead me where I want to go. Getting that clarity, clearing everything else away, and building action plans for getting the desired results will make the greatest difference this year I’m sure.
Of course I could have come to the same conclusions, but it would have taken me months or even a year. She saved me time and a whole lot of unnecessary hassle. Because I’m thinking that if we want to reach great heights, we need to up our game, and that’s what 2016 is all about.
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. – Mark Twain
Tags: coach, full-rigged ship, Johanna Ginstmark, Mark Twain, one degree off, Sailing, writer