
What if you are living your dream?

For the past two months I have been working with a really great coach. We have weekly talks, I have home work every week, and for the past weeks we have had daily check-ins. In our latest session she said, “What if you already are living your dream life?” I was like “What do you mean? […]

Dream BIG

A sentence in a book leapt out at me this week about dreams. About keeping a hold of our big giant wild dreams and how as an adult that can be hard to do. As children we do dream big and as we grow for whatever reason we can be beaten down and our grandiose […]

The Return

So we have both literally returned from time at home in May and my personal mission in June is to return to my core beliefs to my imagination, to my dreams and aspirations for myself and my life. With holding the managing and planning part of my mind at bay until July I want to […]