
Endings and new beginnings

It was New Years Eve. I was standing on a rooftop in West Hollywood as fireworks were lighting up the California sky. As December came to an end and January began I was cheering in 2014 with friends. We had nothing but big hopes and dreams. On January 1 2014 I took on a new […]

Johanna’s Week Six

After deciding that we were going to start The Bead Movement, me and Mhairi sat down at our usual café to break down how we wanted to go about the beading. Among many things, we wrote keywords to live by. ‘Compassion’ was one of mine. As with everything else, if you don’t have it on […]

Johanna’s Week Three

Last week’s sense of nirvana called for action. There was this one thing that kept coming back to me. Over and over again. I couldn’t dodge the bullet. “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.” That is number one on Bronnie Ware’s […]

Johanna’s Week One

The clock was ticking! The starting day was coming closer by the second. I found myself being quite nervous, in fact, actually ANXIOUS. This was as full as my jar would ever get! That’s it. My jar is FULL… …until I take that first bead out. I started to feel like my life was slipping […]

Johanna buys the jar

So back in Stockholm, after a week of vacation in the beautiful Stockholm archipelago, it was time to buy the jars for the beads. The idea was to have two equal jars, and I was on a serious hunt for that special, perfect jar. That beautiful jar, that will preciously hold my life (in its […]

Johanna’s Decision

Some people react to this project as a bit morbid. ’Do I really want to see my days run out?!’ For me it couldn’t be further away from death, this is an action FOR life. Personally I know all too well that life is fragile; that life in an instant can turn your world upside down, […]