This week’s thought, and the last one on this theme of ’grace’, is tremendously simple.
I feel incredibly graced with wonderful people in my life. Yogi Bhajan said that people come into our lives as lessons. Every interaction is here to teach us something, and ever since I took on that point of view, my life has unfolded in a new miraculous way. It’s a path so much more rewarding than the one I was traveling before.
It’s a shift of perspective that helps me grow and be the best me. Someone who strives to act out of love instead of through fear, it’s someone who wants to do better.
To every person in my life, I salute you. I stand humble, with nothing but love for you and what you bring into my life. You make me a better person, and for that I am nothing but grateful. And I can only wish that you, when you look at me, see someone who is on your side.
Tags: grace, Yogi Bhajan