The bead movement


Monday, August 1st will be the 2nd year anniversary of The Bead Movement. What has happened since the beginning? How has it changed my life? With so much, and so much of it has already been talked about here. So instead of focusing on what the beads have brought into my life by way of […]

Kindness IV – stop

Last weekend I got two blisters on a finger. Thought nothing of it more than I must have catched them while doing some work at the summer house. A day later I got one more, in the hand this time. A couple of days later three more on the fingers. They were getting bigger, and they […]


This week temperatures have soared in LA. Living without AC and sweltering my way through nights and days as I record an audio book in a studio in the Valley without AC or even a fan (too noisy) I have been fractious. I am also in a wild work period without a moment to spare […]


6 weeks into my sejourn of listening to my heart and this week some serious breakthroughs happened. Its amazing to think of how many layers I had to get through first to get really quiet and clear with my own self until I can now feel I’m making some headway. Yesterday was thinking about how […]

Kindness III – a choice

I’m out of the city, and out of the country. No 4G, 3G, wifi, social media, apps, no newspaper or TV. All we have is the ocean, each other, the books we brought and an old fashioned radio. Cut off from the world. Cut off from our daily life. It took almost 20 hours until […]

Kindness II – go get it.

What a difference! I hear myself say, “I’ll never skip my morning routine again”. I know I will, but for now I’m so happy I’m back on track. It’s two different Johannas with or without it. Last week I was stressed, more reactive than proactive, and this week…I’m at ease. The difference is ocean wide. I […]

Kindness II

Kindness is a constant it seems. Whereas brave, grace and other things we’ve looked at can sometimes only come into effect on certain occasions. Possibly several times a day. But kindness is something that I think we can be doing all the time; whether its being kind to ourselves-losing the negative self talk and replacing […]

Kindness – a balanced heart

Kindness. Our theme for July. A word that means good, and a word that stands for what is right. After a week of working on a feature film which questions ‘how far are you willing to go in order to protect the people you love?’ – the theme  kindness seems perfect. The word kindness comes up every […]


This past month I have helped a dear friend move out of his apartment in LA. He is in London and so basically I had to clear the entire apartment and either sell or trash everything in 6 days. It was a huge endeavor-especially as I was extremely jetlagged and suffering from a debilitating groin […]

Return IV

I bought a new book the other week, it’s called ’Do one thing every day that scares you – a journal’. Every day for 365 days you get a little note, quote and an exercise on how to meet your fears on a daily basis. I fell in love with the book the day I […]