Letting go

The Best is Yet to come

Letting go is something that Johanna and I have talked at at length throughout the past 2 years. Its an oft mentioned thing one should try to do at all costs. For me it has on occasion seemed elusive though, what does that actually mean? Surely its not simply a question of sitting on the […]

Letting go of expectation

The image of the lion in The Lion King standing tall on a ledge came to me when I was hiking looking for an answer to a pressing issue this past week. I suddenly realized that to be strong is daring to be vulnerable. To open your heart and stand there. Letting go of the […]

On the other side of letting go

I was one of those soul-searching teenagers who at age fifteen read The Tibetan Book of the Dead and philosophers like Plato, Kierkegaard and Sartre. It’s not that strange that I at age thirty plus am doing The Bead Movement. I can’t help but ponder life, and I can’t help but reach for the dream. […]

Time of March

To spend time contemplating what a word means and how it translates into actions, thoughts and meaning in my daily life proved to be a profound experience. The love challenge made us ponder Love in all kinds of ways. The word was present in my mind every single day for a month. It sparked our […]

Letting go

This week I was feeling a bit adrift and not very grounded. For some time, as you may know, I have been busy trying to take leaps of faith and trusting the process and what not, and here I was now with a deep sense that I needed to let go of things in order to […]