The image of the lion in The Lion King standing tall on a ledge came to me when I was hiking looking for an answer to a pressing issue this past week. I suddenly realized that to be strong is daring to be vulnerable. To open your heart and stand there. Letting go of the fear of the unknown instead of approaching it all with trepidation. Knowing that whatever happens I am strong enough to weather the storm, but I may not have the fortitude to handle the regrets I’d harbor if I shied away and protected myself from the unknown.
I feel as though I am encompassing the season of Spring in my life. I am all about planting seeds left right and center. That requires a lot of letting go of expectation. I can’t get in a panicked state staring and waiting to see if something will come to anything. I do believe I have to make the first step, not simply wallow away on a couch waiting for it to come to me, but once I’ve done my bit it is about letting go. And that is where the magic can come in as more often than not, something left of field will present itself and knock ones socks clear off.
I’m excited and finally feel with the idea of letting go of expectation from any of my actions, I am able to enjoy the ride. I am purely responsible and accountable for my bit and once I truly feel I have done my best then there is nothing else I can do, so why worry? I know something good will happen, just not sure where from, but I’m ready for my socks to be knocked off and in the meantime I shall keep on planting. May this next week for you be a light one without any weight on outcomes but rather excitement about the mystery.
Tags: Letting go, Mhairi Morrison, Spring, The bead movement, The Lion King