
This week’s creative constipation

For years I have been pulled towards an idea for a new project. Every time the idea has popped up in my head I have felt this strong need to tell it, and every time I’ve walked right into a wall unable to find a way through the story. This week I found out why, […]

Should vs Must

I watched an interview with Elle Luna by Chase Jarvis on YouTube this week (watch it here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDDw3ZaeU-s). I had never before heard about Elle, but was totally mesmerized by her appearance. There was something about her that rang so true. She was truly present. She talked about the difference between should and must. The quote […]

Breaking habits

I’ve been in Los Angeles a little over a week, and it’s been all about breaking habits. First, I’m not in my normal surrounding which brings a sense of being a fish out of the water. I love getting that experience, because it makes me grateful for the amazing things I have in my life back home […]

Adjusting sails

Have you ever heard about what happens if you are only 1 degree off course? For every mile you travel you will be 92 feet away from your target. And the thing is, I am not up for being 5000 miles off when I look back at my life (thinking what if I did x, y, […]

Clean your mind

So the month of February we are devoted to the theme ’Cleansing’. One might think I’ll spend this post writing about detoxing, juicing, eating kale and what not, but what actually caught my mind this week was a method called GTD, ’Getting Things Done’. The method is created by David Allen and it’s basically a […]

Remember the fun

A while back I found myself stuck in writing a script. I restarted over and over again, but ended up being stuck at the same place every single time. I got more and more frustrated. My go-to-solution for most problems is always to go out and take a walk, and during this walk I kept […]

No more playing small

I started off this week with a 2-day seminar out of town with the Entrepreneurship program Filmregion Stockholm Mälardalen runs. It was two intensive and invaluable days with a market strategist who opened my eyes to see my career from a new perspective. I became aware of limiting beliefs and how I, in some ways, […]

The do’s of April

I highly recommend to spend at least one day of your hopefully amazing and long life with an alarm ringing every 10 minutes reminding you to take note of the things you say, think, dream or want to do, but that you at the moment put off for later. No matter how big or small, […]

On the other side of letting go

I was one of those soul-searching teenagers who at age fifteen read The Tibetan Book of the Dead and philosophers like Plato, Kierkegaard and Sartre. It’s not that strange that I at age thirty plus am doing The Bead Movement. I can’t help but ponder life, and I can’t help but reach for the dream. […]

Time of March

To spend time contemplating what a word means and how it translates into actions, thoughts and meaning in my daily life proved to be a profound experience. The love challenge made us ponder Love in all kinds of ways. The word was present in my mind every single day for a month. It sparked our […]