Since the beginning of this year I’m doing a workshop called ’Take charge of your career”. I’ve been zooming in on freelancers and students of the film industry as a start, but it works just as well for freelancers in any field. The workshop is based on my own shift, from feeling that my career was in the hands of others to taking full responsibility myself. Most of all, the workshop is about knowing your true north so that you, with a less worried heart, can make the right decisions moving forward.
I led one of these workshops this week in Gothenburg for a group of members of Women in Film & television. It was a crowd of brilliant creative women who have done and will do amazing things for the film industry and our world. We had lovely, inspiring and life affirming conversations about what’s important in our lives – and most of all how we can bring a balance to it without letting go of the great big things we want to achieve in our business. These conversations are so incredibly important, and once again it shocked me how seldom we raise them. Our lives as professionals in this business are easily filled with a haystack of worries, fears and troubles, and we tend to compare ourselves with colleagues who we believe are more successful than us, and we wonder why they can, but not us. BUT we can too! In order to have the life and career of our dreams we just need to do a great deal of internal work on ourselves (to know who we are, our purpose, our mission) and then we need a great set of tools and accountability to carry it out.
It’s been a life affirming month of reflecting on the shifts that have happened during our two years of the bead movement. I want to spend my last reflection of August highlighting what has been my biggest shift. Over the course of these two years, I have been digging deeper and deeper in my purpose and what my mission here on earth is. Usually when we start to ask ourselves big questions the brain/our ego starts to make up all kinds of elegant, logical and rational answers. Answers that sound good, but are fake. What happens when we continue to ask the question, over and over again, to truly listen to our heart and soul, the very essence of our being speaks up. Two years ago, I would have never thought I would be coaching industry people and having workshops in taking charge of one’s career. Never! I was a writer and script consultant. But the thing is, I still am, and this shift of having three legs to stand on makes me incredibly happy. During these years I have found that my mission is to help, shake and inspire people for change. It’s based on my very personal journey, and it’s what at the fore front of my mind every single day. The ways I can carry out this mission are endless – but for now I’m here to write, consult and coach people to see that there’s a rainbow on the other side of the storm – because it’s by going through our storms that we become the people we are supposed to be.
Tags: Johanna Ginstmark, mission, purpose, The bead movement, Women in film and television