The bead movement


I am in this storytelling group that meets once a week which I am finding extremely insightful. It’s about learning how to tell your own story through life and what might be inhibiting you from potentially not living your most 100% genuine life. This week we had to write down the groups in our lives, […]


Restrictions leads to creativity. With a reduction in external stimuli and a change of pace with my own work schedule for the first time since lockdown began I have entered today into the melee of the bread and cake making masses. I made a cake with my 6 year old niece. It was the first […]


Since working through the book The Artist’s Way I have become on high alert to notice moments of synchronicity in life. Johanna had mentioned the book The Heroine’s Journey to me a few weeks ago, that she had been recommended it and that she was getting a massive amount from it. At the time, much […]

Wild and Precious Life

This week was a momentous week when my beads and I were united after 7 months apart. It felt like reuniting with an old friend when I carefully unwrapped the jar with my thousands of beads in it.I haven’t yet had a chance over the last few hectic days to count out how many beads […]

Back In the Bead Blogging Saddle

It’s been years since we’ve written, blogged, about the beads and feels a moment of strangeness to be back in the bead blogging saddle. But in these turbulent times I have found myself looking at the reason why we started the bead movement in the first place, things like taking control of my reactions to […]

not either or, but AND.

I’ve been viewing my life and my world in a very black and white, either or, kind of a way.  I’ve been headstrong, and jumped into one thing fully to later decide something else. I’ve been an either or kind of a person. Lately I have felt sick to my stomach about it. Like I am […]


Someone wise once said that when he is hard pressed for time he spends twice as long meditating. That is good advice and a point worth remembering as I literally run from one thing to the next. I was up at 6am last Saturday after having worked until 10.15pm recording an audio book, which I […]


I have been thinking a lot about LISTENING this week, both listening to myself and to others. I was in Helsinki for work, script consulting on a tv series, and I also talked to the drama department at the national broadcaster there about my method as a script consultant. The talk at the broadcaster really made […]

Another door will open

It was a warm August morning in 2014 when me and Mhairi scribbled down words, quotes, and principles in our note books at Toast Bakery Cafe on the corner of 3rd street and S Harper ave in Los Angeles. This was the whole reason why we wanted to do the bead movement every morning. We wanted to […]

Happy Easter

Someone asked the question the other day “And what if it was easy?” on the same day a good friend of mine called me to ask a question about how much she should charge for a voice over job. When I told her what I thought she panicked thinking it was too much to ask. […]