One week in almost and haven’t yet found clarity in what word (s) I am drawn too for a theme for 2017. Next weekend I’m making my vision board for the year and what the theme to resonate throughout, so have a few more days to come to my final decision but in previous years a word has come loud and clear.
Joy came soaring out of the blue this morning and is now a top contender. Just saying the word makes me smile and is appropriate for all areas of life. Also have an image of driving a ship forward, maybe that also is fresh in mind having recently re-watched Titanic.
Last year in the center of my vision board I stuck a photo of a woman sitting on a stack of Luis Vuitton luggage on a desert, just beneath a Moroccan riad. Africa was on my board before it was even in my heart or head, as it would still be several months before I would meet Stefan in London who would mention the film festival in Algeria and set me on a path to the desert. So making a vision board is exciting, a blue print to the year, what themes, colors, ideas and desires will be hung above my desk and set the direction for 2017? Without a strong idea one could make dubious left turn somewhere and that should be actively avoided at all times. Anyway, heres to your year and your words that with guide and steer you, may they bring joy and bountiful adventures.
Tags: Mhairi Morrison, The bead movement, vision board