Mhairi Morrison


I am in this storytelling group that meets once a week which I am finding extremely insightful. It’s about learning how to tell your own story through life and what might be inhibiting you from potentially not living your most 100% genuine life. This week we had to write down the groups in our lives, […]


Restrictions leads to creativity. With a reduction in external stimuli and a change of pace with my own work schedule for the first time since lockdown began I have entered today into the melee of the bread and cake making masses. I made a cake with my 6 year old niece. It was the first […]


Since working through the book The Artist’s Way I have become on high alert to notice moments of synchronicity in life. Johanna had mentioned the book The Heroine’s Journey to me a few weeks ago, that she had been recommended it and that she was getting a massive amount from it. At the time, much […]

Wild and Precious Life

This week was a momentous week when my beads and I were united after 7 months apart. It felt like reuniting with an old friend when I carefully unwrapped the jar with my thousands of beads in it.I haven’t yet had a chance over the last few hectic days to count out how many beads […]

Back In the Bead Blogging Saddle

It’s been years since we’ve written, blogged, about the beads and feels a moment of strangeness to be back in the bead blogging saddle. But in these turbulent times I have found myself looking at the reason why we started the bead movement in the first place, things like taking control of my reactions to […]


Someone wise once said that when he is hard pressed for time he spends twice as long meditating. That is good advice and a point worth remembering as I literally run from one thing to the next. I was up at 6am last Saturday after having worked until 10.15pm recording an audio book, which I […]


Last night I had dinner with a friend who told me about Steven Speilberg saying that your life purpose is often actually found through a whisper rather than a loud voice telling you where you should be going. That things are more gradual. I love that idea as where I am right now isn’ necessarily […]

Fog Continued

So the fog continued which was an amazing reminder to continue to work with faith this week. A mere couple hours after writing my bead movement post last week a few things threatened my peace and I had to hold onto the image I held in my memory of fog on the beach. Its been […]


Listening. Yesterday spoke to Johanna in Sweden, Robert in London and dropped off hats with Shurie in The Valley and all three at various points in our conversations encouraged me. From Sweden, London and The Valley, words unprovoked lifted me and lit my way of continuing. Sometimes you don’t know you need encouragement until you get […]


I watched an incredible documentary this week about intuition which stated that 95% of your brain was subconscious and so only 5% was actually rational/ conscious mind. Amazing as we in the West tend to value above all else the rational logical aspects of life and way of seeing the world, thereby forgetting or simply […]