This week we’re contemplating what the love challenge has brought to us. For me to consider the depth of a word has been eye opening. Words can sometimes be used flippantly and without considering what it actually means. How would I define love? How does it look to use the word in all my relationships, including the relationship I have with myself, my family, my friends and strangers?
While thinking about love in all its forms I have often been reminded of a prism, the way light is fractured when it hits the sharp edges. The different colors and the varying degrees of intensity. I have considered what actions actually come out of the word. What does love look like in reality. My conversations with Johanna over the past few weeks has made me think of Socrates and things, people sitting on sandy steps considering great concepts.
I’ve thought often of that saying:
Be careful of your thoughts, for your thoughts become your words. Be careful of you words for your words become your actions. Be careful of your actions for your actions become your habits. Be careful of your habits for your habits become your character. Be careful of your character for your character becomes your destiny.
One of the things the bead movement has brought to my life has been the idea of taking more detailed care of each day and this challenge has extended that care to include one simple word. I have been surprised by how I have translated this word into my life. Its felt good to feel open to follow what this word means to me beyond flowers, Chanel and a romantic weekend away. To go in for a closer look has brought out aspects of love which I may not have previously considered. Who would have thought that a little pearly bead could bring about so much change in my life.
Tags: love, meditate, Mhairi Morrison, The bead movement, Thoughts, value