This week has been a continuation of the whirlwind life has been recently. On the horizon the cabaret show. Last month the cabaret and the prospect of singing threw me into a serious state of anxiety. This month I was the black and white opposite. I was so calm as a cucumber I vaguely thought something must be wrong with me. The day of the cabaret I went to yoga and spent a long time working on a headstand. The thought suddenly struck me that the idea of stand can be also to reign in ones own emotional state. To take a stand against being over run with panic and tossed about like debris on wild waves and such. And so this is what I am taking this week from our monthly theme, to keep a check on any fearful panic which may attempt to throw me off guard and when it threatens to overwhelm me I shall simply stand on my head not my feet until the winds turn and serenity prevails. One has choices when it comes to stance darling, not all days are for being on ones own two feet. If things become too much I suggest making your way to your head and seeing things from another point of view. It might seem a little uncomfortable at first darling, but persevere and you allow yourself the opportunity of literally seeing things from a different perspective.
Tags: cabaret, headstand, Mhairi Morrison, The bead movement