let go

Switch belief

I had looked forward to a week of starting to write the rest of my novel. I have earlier written the first third of it, but since it’s my first piece of literature it took me a while to figure out my voice, the tone, and how the story would play out in this new […]

Stand III

What has become clear to me these past months doing the bead movement is that everything in my life moves in cycles. The cycles all have the same structure no matter what I am learning, experiencing or investigating. It always starts with a period of expansion where I push myself beyond my comfort zone. It’s […]


Life is never a set of ultimate moments that pass effortlessly in the perfect order. In everyday life there is stress, inconveniences, and seriously a set of bumps in the road. We have work overload, families and friends we want to give our attention to, and all the other bricks that build our lives. In […]

Ride the wave

Isn’t it amazing how we try and control every bit of our lives? We micromanage and get so overly frustrated when things don’t go our way. As a result of The Bead Movement I’ve started to more actively work on letting go of things in order to live a more, from my perspective, fulfilled and […]

Let Go

The March Challenge is letting go which is one of those things that sounds a lot simpler than it actually is. I have such a hard time letting go that when I ran a relay race as a teenager I ran right off the track with the baton. So there we go. My challenge right […]