Have just arrived into the wilds of the Scottish Highlands and as we speak am listening to the winds whipping around the house. I was in London visiting friends before arriving home with family. Each day has been incredible; seeing old friends some of whom I haven’t seen for 4 or 5 years. In the space of 24 hours I saw one very dear friend who gave me her new album, got the train to visit with another friend who handed me her new book which comes out officially in January and then spent the night with another very close friend who told me she has been commissioned to write a book next year. I went to bed that night reading my favorite magazine, The Guardian newspaper magazine, and read about Harper Lee being given money from her friends one Christmas to cover her living expenses for a whole year so that she could write. That time is what gave her the space to write To Kill a Mockingbird.
Bam. So grateful to be closing out the year with family, close friends and serious inspiration to follow my heart. Coming home is like a warm blanket, a hot water bottle and lasagna all rolled into one. May your last days of 2015 be equally as comforting.
Tags: grateful, Mhairi Morrison, The bead movement