A couple of years ago a writer asked me if I didn’t feel threatened by teaching students in how to write for film and television. She said, she taught to make a living, but she didn’t feel okay with creating competitors to herself. I told her, what I truly believe, that I’m teaching my future colleagues, friends and business partners. That they in fact aren’t my competitors, because we all have different roles to play in this world of ours.
I don’t believe in a win-loose mentality, I think it limits us and makes us do terrible things to get what we want. I believe in win-win. I believe in helping people out. I believe in sharing my knowledge and to give back what I have learnt over the years. I’m not teaching to make a living, I’m teaching because it’s a part of my calling in life.
If we look at the world from a place of lack that’s what we will get, but if we look at it from a place of abundance we will receive more. The Swedish film and television industry has been a place for a few creative people who heavily guarded their positions. I refuse to add to that, I’m here to open it up. I want to create an open community, where we allow people to shine, where we help people to bloom in their greatest potential. That’s why I teach writing, and that’s why I’m here to help creatives to succeed in their careers and live a happy life. Because I think it’s possible, as long as we give generously.
“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” – Pablo Picasso
Tags: acceptance, blog post, give, happiness, Johanna Ginstmark, meaning of life, purpose, Share, The bead movement, win win