Johanna Ginstmark

Childhood bliss

I was home at my mother’s for a week over easter and found some old photos a great photographer and friend of my grandparents took. My mother said he loved taking pictures of me, and when I look at the pics I can see why. I was so alive and expressive, not hiding a single […]

The do’s of April

I highly recommend to spend at least one day of your hopefully amazing and long life with an alarm ringing every 10 minutes reminding you to take note of the things you say, think, dream or want to do, but that you at the moment put off for later. No matter how big or small, […]


Life is never a set of ultimate moments that pass effortlessly in the perfect order. In everyday life there is stress, inconveniences, and seriously a set of bumps in the road. We have work overload, families and friends we want to give our attention to, and all the other bricks that build our lives. In […]

On the other side of letting go

I was one of those soul-searching teenagers who at age fifteen read The Tibetan Book of the Dead and philosophers like Plato, Kierkegaard and Sartre. It’s not that strange that I at age thirty plus am doing The Bead Movement. I can’t help but ponder life, and I can’t help but reach for the dream. […]

Ride the wave

Isn’t it amazing how we try and control every bit of our lives? We micromanage and get so overly frustrated when things don’t go our way. As a result of The Bead Movement I’ve started to more actively work on letting go of things in order to live a more, from my perspective, fulfilled and […]

Time of March

To spend time contemplating what a word means and how it translates into actions, thoughts and meaning in my daily life proved to be a profound experience. The love challenge made us ponder Love in all kinds of ways. The word was present in my mind every single day for a month. It sparked our […]

The love challenge

This past month our Love Challenge has made one thing clear to me. Love is PRESENCE. No matter if I pondered self love, love for family and friends or love for strangers – what it all boiled down to was the power of being there for myself and others in the present moment. To SEE […]

To not shy away

One morning when I was on the subway on my way to work I noticed a homeless woman who was walking the aisle of the subway. In the corner of my eye I saw her stop at every seating section to ask for money. I heard her repeat the same line over and over again, […]

Self worth

I had a conversation with a fellow writer earlier this week about something that is one of the many reasons I am doing The Bead Movement and personal development work. As a creative person it is easy to connect your worth to the work you are currently doing. You feel good when you’re hired, and when […]

Love a Challenge

It is a new year and both me and Mhairi have set intentions, made plans and written mission statements for 2015. Together we decided to take a month to really think through what we wanted The Bead Movement to be for us this year, both separately and as a team. In the beginning of July […]