
Johanna’s Week 14

Week 14 – Health scare part 2 (I got the results, 100% healthy) It was an early Monday morning when I went to the Oncology Department at the hospital for a biopsy. Having friends who suffer and recover from cancer have made this brutal illness present in my life, but as with everything else – […]

Johanna’s Week 13

Strong – Health Scare Part 1 (I got the results, 100% healthy) The word ‘Strong’ came up with one of the beads Tuesday morning, and it couldn’t have been more appropriate. I don’t know when, but at least a few months ago, I discovered a lump in my throat. It’s not visible, but obvious when […]

Johanna’s Week 12

Home Every time I go home to my mother’s place in the South, something within me calms down. It’s in the heart of my soul. It’s something in the earth, the wind, and the water. It makes me go quiet, it stops me. It puts me on mute, and it makes me listen to that […]

Johanna’s Week 11

FAITH For the past five or so years, since I started to make a living as a writer, I have lived a life as if I was blindfolded; not knowing at all what the future has in store for me. As a writer I put words together in sentences, creating stories from a blank sheet […]

Mhairi’s Week Ten

Let it come to you. Listen: Sometimes I find it hard to realize that I don’t need to keep pushing something in order for it to happen anyway. Not sure if that’s from a place of insecurity or lack of trust in life that the road will come upto meet me. But the bottom […]

Johanna’s Week 8

The truth It is a time of extremes. Here in Sweden a right wing populist and anti-immigration political party gained votes in the recent national elections and became the third biggest party in our parliament. The cold war has reentered Sweden with active military operations against foreign submarines in the Stockholm archipelago. In the world we see deadly […]

Mhairi’s Week Five

The not neon week This week was like being beneath the hood of a car and tinkering. Traditionally for me post show or post shoot it can be a little flat. I find it can be hard to manage myself and my energy and possibly in the future, I should plan a trip to Hawaii […]

Mhairi’s Week Three

Sometimes I have used words such as brave and courageous without really knowing what they meant in a day-to-day scenario. It’s a good thing to think of the big picture, of Joan of arc and what she did but how does that translate for me now? I’ve often thought that should I be required to […]

Johanna’s Week Three

Last week’s sense of nirvana called for action. There was this one thing that kept coming back to me. Over and over again. I couldn’t dodge the bullet. “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.” That is number one on Bronnie Ware’s […]

Mhairi’s Week Two

So, this week was a week of confronting things that I normally don’t like to think about. I tell you it was as if I was cleaning out a drawer. Things began to shift and I felt clearer headed and although I haven’t quite reached nirvana, things are shifting towards me actually being in charge […]