The bead movement

He took our city, but we took it back.

I attended the manifestation in Stockholm on April 9. It was a manifestation of love, as a counteraction to the terrorist attack on April 7. I was scared to go in to the city. I knew I had to so I could face the fear. As soon as I stepped out of the subway I noticed […]


Last night I had dinner with a friend who told me about Steven Speilberg saying that your life purpose is often actually found through a whisper rather than a loud voice telling you where you should be going. That things are more gradual. I love that idea as where I am right now isn’ necessarily […]

Can we trust our feelings?

I had a conversation with a friend the other day about instincts, and trusting our gut when it comes to making decisions. She said those feelings can’t be fully trusted. She thought that sometimes she needs to go with her gut instincts, but at other times she can’t because they will lead her astray. If this […]

What if you are living your dream?

For the past two months I have been working with a really great coach. We have weekly talks, I have home work every week, and for the past weeks we have had daily check-ins. In our latest session she said, “What if you already are living your dream life?” I was like “What do you mean? […]

Fog Continued

So the fog continued which was an amazing reminder to continue to work with faith this week. A mere couple hours after writing my bead movement post last week a few things threatened my peace and I had to hold onto the image I held in my memory of fog on the beach. Its been […]

active vs passive

I read an article this week about active and passive forces. Basically there are different forces within us making us take action or not. The thing is, most of us are not aware of or question why we do what we do, which could lead us to take the wrong action or to take no […]

This week’s creative constipation

For years I have been pulled towards an idea for a new project. Every time the idea has popped up in my head I have felt this strong need to tell it, and every time I’ve walked right into a wall unable to find a way through the story. This week I found out why, […]


Listening. Yesterday spoke to Johanna in Sweden, Robert in London and dropped off hats with Shurie in The Valley and all three at various points in our conversations encouraged me. From Sweden, London and The Valley, words unprovoked lifted me and lit my way of continuing. Sometimes you don’t know you need encouragement until you get […]


I watched an incredible documentary this week about intuition which stated that 95% of your brain was subconscious and so only 5% was actually rational/ conscious mind. Amazing as we in the West tend to value above all else the rational logical aspects of life and way of seeing the world, thereby forgetting or simply […]

Should vs Must

I watched an interview with Elle Luna by Chase Jarvis on YouTube this week (watch it here I had never before heard about Elle, but was totally mesmerized by her appearance. There was something about her that rang so true. She was truly present. She talked about the difference between should and must. The quote […]