Johanna Ginstmark


Cleanse: to make (something or someone) clean Synonyms: purify, purge, sanctify As with anything in life, when we put light on a specific matter or subject it tends to find it’s way into everything we do. Having had the word ‘Cleanse’ on my mind this month has made me aware of how I let things […]

Adjusting sails

Have you ever heard about what happens if you are only 1 degree off course? For every mile you travel you will be 92 feet away from your target. And the thing is, I am not up for being 5000 miles off when I look back at my life (thinking what if I did x, y, […]

Clean your mind

So the month of February we are devoted to the theme ’Cleansing’. One might think I’ll spend this post writing about detoxing, juicing, eating kale and what not, but what actually caught my mind this week was a method called GTD, ’Getting Things Done’. The method is created by David Allen and it’s basically a […]


Thank you Suffragettes!

I just got back from watching the movie Suffragette. It’s the last blog post on our January theme inspiration, and this movie brings more than justice to the word ‘inspire’ for sure. Actions planned and some already taken because of the movie: 1. I’m going to buy tickets to the movie to get my boyfriend […]

Remember the fun

A while back I found myself stuck in writing a script. I restarted over and over again, but ended up being stuck at the same place every single time. I got more and more frustrated. My go-to-solution for most problems is always to go out and take a walk, and during this walk I kept […]


Since this is the month of inspiration, I wanted to share something that has inspired me lately. Right now I’m reading ’Unlimited Power’ by Tony Robbins and in that book he describes the power of ’Belief’. As everyone knows, we are what we think we are, but even if I know that the experiments he […]

The Swedish Theory of Love

Me and Mhairi decided to open this year of blogging with ‘Inspiration’ being our January theme, and last night’s movie was definitely something that sparked a conversation. Last night I was at the movies with a friend watching the new Swedish documentary ‘The Swedish Theory of Love’, a film by the Italian-Swede Erik Gandini. The film […]

Forgetting the beads

Alright, so the fact is that I at several times have forgotten to move my daily bead from one of the jars to the other. It’s not like I don’t see the jar and completely forget it for the simple reason that I didn’t see it… And it’s not like I have skipped my soulful […]

New Year’s resolutions or just a fresh start?

I used to be that girl who after midnight on New Year’s Eve (post a few drinks) shouted out a list of goals I knew would have a great impact on my life, but that I never would achieve. It was goals, I for a little while say a month or at tops two, would […]

Birthday ritual

It’s my birthday and for the past 3 birthdays I have done a new ritual, much like what some people do for the new year. Striving and growing is key in my life, and I absolutely love a fresh start. Who doesn’t? Today I want to share my ritual with you. First, I make sure to spend […]