The bead movement

Spiritual heavy lifting

Some periods of life are not easy. They call for deep inner work and emotional heavy lifting. This might mean you have to accept what feels unacceptable, or forgive what feels like the unforgivable. It might mean taking a painful look at yourself, or being open to change in areas where you can’t imagine yourself […]

Dream BIG

A sentence in a book leapt out at me this week about dreams. About keeping a hold of our big giant wild dreams and how as an adult that can be hard to do. As children we do dream big and as we grow for whatever reason we can be beaten down and our grandiose […]

Hell yes or Hell no!

This week one sentence has echoed in my mind. A phrase John Lee Dumas often says on his podcast EO Fire. You either say HELL YES or HELL NO. Because the thing is, if you say yes to something you will have to say no to something else. It’s so useful to ask this whenever […]

That whispering heart of yours

We are searching for what’s perfect. We want to be the perfect partner, parent, citizen, friend, and we want the perfect career and the perfect life – but what’s left of you at the end of the day? We push ourselves to fit the mould of what life should be. What we think other people […]

Negative feelings, thoughts and patterns – start with yourself!

You know that feeling when you look at someone else’s success and you feel a sting of hurt or slight bitterness. Or you might judge someone for their choices. whenever we focus on what others do or don’t do in a negative way it stifles us, brings out the worst, and most all it is energy […]

Knowing your path

The summer of 2014 my professional life came to a halt. I had relied on two streams of income, and all of a sudden everyone was saying ‘no’ to me. It wasn’t personal, the companies and the organisations I had worked for, had for completely different reasons (and situations), come to the conclusion that they needed […]

Growing into balance

It’s fascinating this thing called growth, and this journey of ours into exploring the human heart and soul. I’m in a creative process of developing new exciting things for my business, and I feel a strong shift in how I go about things. Previously I’ve been very logical about things, and since I’m a very […]

An exercise in taking charge

I had a workshop last week with a group of writing students on ‘how to take charge of your (life &) career’. The most important point I stress in the workshop is to take full responsibility for your own life, and not to give away your power to anyone else. It has been one of the […]


This week has brought more work than I’ve had in months and so preparing for a trip to the Sahara desert for the Fisahara film festival has been challenging and squeezed around deadlines and the odd snatched yoga class. All I have done for over a week now has been write, record, eat and sleep. […]


I’m working my way through an incredibly illuminating book by Danielle La Porte, The Desire Map and have arrived at the bit when I have to choose my core desired feelings. These feelings are the result of honing down, in the main 5 areas of your life, the feelings you wish to feel. The absolute […]