Johanna Ginstmark

Return II presence

Much like Mhairi who spends June collecting inspiration which in July will turn into a new plan, do I have a longing to do the same. This spring has been absolutely great, and I have been jumping from one thing to another; often I have been doing several things at the same time. I love it, […]

Return I

This Monday I returned to Stockholm after having spent a month in the south of Sweden. Most of May was spent in solitude, and as I now came back to the bustling city from the stillness of the countryside; the difference between the two became a clash. The city is filled with impressions begging for your […]

Home IV – allowing

Most times it’s not until you have been on a journey, and are on your way home that you find out that you were a little lost when you first embarked on it. This past month I’ve been away from my home in Stockholm to take care of my mother’s rose nursery in the south […]

The point of Putting Yourself Out There

Can I really do this? Will I fail? Am I good enough? What will other people think? Will I add value? Will I really make a difference? What if I’m delusional? Who do I think I am? That was some of the thoughts that ran through my head this Tuesday. I’ve been a lecturer in […]

The Point of Sharing

A couple of years ago a writer asked me if I didn’t feel threatened by teaching students in how to write for film and television. She said, she taught to make a living, but she didn’t feel okay with creating competitors to herself. I told her, what I truly believe, that I’m teaching my future […]

The point of being sick

BAM! It hits you. A fever kicks in and all you can do is drink, eat and sleep. On repeat. The stress enters, and you think of all the things you need to do at work; what to write and read, who to call, and where to go. Then boredom comes and says Hello, and you […]

I used to be

Earlier I had a tendency to hide from conflicts, to duck the penetrating questions, the hard topics, the most daring thoughts, the most heartbreaking facts. The lesson this week brought me was a testament to that I got a new pattern in store. I was talking to Mhairi on Tuesday, and I blurted out that […]

Taking responsibility

I am reading “Goals!” by Brian Tracy at the moment, and in one of his chapters he writes about the courage to take complete responsibility for one’s life. When I read those words I had a flashback to a day a few years back when this very fact dawned on me. I had been working in […]


I had a mishap with a project this week. Me and my collaborator have been working on it for quite some time, super convinced this will be the next hit tv show. But instead of getting a positive response we got a negative one. It took me 30 seconds after reading the email to understand […]

Leading the ship

I’ve been postponing this week’s blogpost all week. When the weekend finally came I thought I would write it on Saturday, I didn’t. I thought I could do it yesterday since we headed off on a vacation, but I didn’t. As I look out over the Fuengirola harbor and the Mediterranean sea in Spain this […]